경향신문(총 8,793 건 검색)

경찰, 김호중 음주운전 혐의 제외에 “검찰 사법 집행 의지 있나” 볼멘소리(2024. 06. 18 19:31)
... 기소했어야 한다”고 말했다. 이 관계자는 “운전자를 바꿔치기하고, 블랙박스 메모리카드를 없애는 등 명백한 사법방해 행위에 철저히 죄를 따져 묻는다는 의지를 보일 필요가 있었다”며 “기소 이후...
경향신문>사회 |
Skates, 'Taste of South Region,’ will be listed 'UNESCO world heritage?(2024. 06. 17 17:53)
Redfish Samhap. Courtesy of Mokpo City 'Skate’ is one of the representative foods of Jeollanam-do and Gwangju. It is the only fish that is aged, and its tangy flavor is considered a delicacy....
경향신문>문화 |
BTS’ Jin finishes mandatory military service, receiving warm welcome by bandmates(2024. 06. 13 16:56)
... Seoul on June 13 to meet BTS fans. Their agency Big Hit Music said, "We will continue to do our best to support artists.” BTS will resume their full team activities, including the release...
경향신문>문화 |
Jeon Do-yeon returns to stage in 27 years with play ‘The Cherry Orchard’(2024. 06. 12 16:38)
... stage to show off my acting, because the stage doesn't hide my mistakes. I just needed the courage to accept myself,” she said. Simon and the actors had a workshop in January. They talked...
경향신문>문화 |


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