경향신문(총 8,975 건 검색)

Ministry of Education finalizes number of medical school admissions for next year(2024. 05. 31 17:24)
Promotional materials for medical school admission are displayed at a college admissions center in Seoul. By Cho Taehyung The number of medical school admissions for next year has been...
경향신문>사회 |
[Editorial] Constitutional Court rules comprehensive real estate holding tax is constitutional(2024. 05. 31 17:39)
The Constitutional Court ruled that the comprehensive real estate holding tax is constitutional in a 6-3 decision on May 30. The subject of the Constitutional Court's judgment on this day was a...
경향신문>오피니언 |
Investigation into Yoon seems to be inevitable as records of phone calls with former Defense Minister revealed(2024. 05. 30 18:00)
President Yoon Seok-yul delivers a message to the public during the two-year national report and press conference of the Yoon administration at the Yongsan presidential office in Seoul, South...
경향신문>사회 |
Yoon vetoes four bills passed by opposition parties, including Special Act on Jeonse Fraud(2024. 05. 30 17:54)
A victim of Jeonse Fraud wipes away tears during a press conference calling for the promulgation of an amendment to the Charter Fraud Victim Support Special Act in front of the Presidential...
경향신문>정치 |
Daughter of man who forcibly taken to Samchung re-education camp commits suicide(2024. 05. 30 18:05)
A memorial service organized by Samcheong victim A for his daughter who passed away. Provided by Mr. A. Mr. A, 66, cannot clearly remember the year his oldest daughter died. “Was it five years...
경향신문>사회 |
Hemp grows near UNESCO World Heritage Site Byeongsanseowon Confucian Academy in Andong(2024. 05. 30 18:14)
A plant believed to be hemp found on May 27 in an agricultural canal near Byeongsanseowon, Pungcheon-myeon, Andong-si, Gyeongbuk. Police and Noh Jong-gyun, chairman of the Hemp Industry...
경향신문>사회 |
[요리에 과학 한 스푼]육류를 숙성시키는 이유(2024. 05. 30 20:30)
요리를 과학적으로 표현하자면 맛있는 변형이라 할 수 있는데요. 식재료의 성분과 조직이 변형되면서 원재료에는 없던 맛과 향이 만들어지고, 독특한 식감도 생성되기 때문입니다. 그런데 이런 변형을...
경향신문>오피니언 |
최신 AI 모델 훈련 돌입한 오픈AI···논란 속 새 안전·보안위원회 구성(2024. 05. 29 15:28)
... 차세대 프런티어 모델 훈련을 시작했다는 사실도 전했다. 오픈AI는 “그 결과물이 범용인공지능(AGI)으로 가는 다음 단계의 역량을 이끌 것으로 기대한다”고 말했다. AGI는 사람과 유사한 수준의...
경향신문>경제 |
National Assembly rejects bill mandating special counsel investigation into death of Marine Corporal Chae(2024. 05. 29 18:10)
Members of the Marine Corps Reserve Regiment protest following the final defeat of bill mandating special counsel investigation into death of Marine Corporal Chae. By Park Min-kyu In the final...
경향신문>정치 |
North Korean reconnaissance satellite exploded in flight uses 'new engine' for space launch vehicle(2024. 05. 29 18:14)
People watch related news at a waiting room in Seoul Station on Nov. 28 after North Korea reportedly launched a military reconnaissance satellite on the night of Nov. 27 but failed. By Han...
경향신문>정치 |
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