경향신문(총 9 건 검색)

We Are Concerned About China's Effort to 'Tame' South Korea(2010. 12. 24 13:57)
Photo caption = Chinese fishing boats clashing and running away A Chinese fishing boat recently clashed against a South Korean coastal guard ship that was patrolling West Sea and it sank. This...
경향신문>오피니언 |
[Editorial] "Let Us Live Well, Together" President Moon's Address at the National Assembly Should Follow with Policy Results(2018. 11. 02 20:11)
The focus of President Moon Jae-in's speech before the National Assembly on November 1 was clear. He presented a vision of the state, one that embraces all people and where all people live well...
경향신문>오피니언 |
The “IT Giants” Have Grown, But Suffer from Internal Problems(2021. 05. 31 18:27)
According to a survey on “companies people want to work for,” conducted by JobPlanet, an online recruitment site in March 2020, Kakao and Naver ranked number one and two respectively. Over a...
경향신문>IT |
President's Daughter Becomes President: After 34 Years, Park Moves Back to Cheongwwadae(2012. 12. 20 16:58)
"Don't you wait for the change and innovation to be made by the first female president ever in our constitutional government?" (Declaration of vision on November 18, at Incheon Songdo Convensia)...
경향신문>정치 |
Samsung Electronics Postpones Launch of Galaxy Fold, "Announcement to Be Made in a Few Weeks"(2019. 04. 24 19:01)
Samsung Electronics decided to postpone the global launch of Galaxy Fold (pictured), which was caught up in controversy over defects in its display. On April 23, Samsung Electronics announced...
경향신문>IT |
[Starting the Morning] "Do You Know Me?" First Time "Kim Ji-youngs" in the 21st National Assembly(2019. 11. 04 19:09)
"Do you know me?" These are the words that Kim Ji-young, the heroine of the novel, Kim Ji-Young, Born 1982, wanted to utter but swallowed when a boy who went to the same private academy tried to...
경향신문>오피니언 |
A Larger Security Zone Around Former President Moon Jae-in’s Residence and Tighter Inspections(2022. 08. 22 16:46)
Extended up to 300 Meters from August 22: A security guard at former President Moon Jae-in’s residence lets a vehicle enter Pyeongsan Village in front of the former president’s residence in...
경향신문>정치 |
[임의진의 시골편지] 사탕 가게(2023. 03. 23 03:00)
... 말고 사탕의 단맛도 말이야. 작가이자 수의사 폴 빌리어드가 쓴 어린 시절 얘기, <Growing Pains>. 성장통이라 번역할 수 있을 텐데 국내판은 ‘위그든 씨의 사탕 가게’라 했더군. 책은 시애틀...
경향신문>오피니언 |
[Editorial] Ruling party’s leader should convey public anger to President and seeks answers(2024. 09. 24 18:02)
Han Dong-hoon (right), the leader of the People's Power Party, speaks at a Supreme Council meeting held at the National Assembly on September 23. Yonhap News President Yun Suk-yeol and the...
경향신문>오피니언 |


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