경향신문(총 210 건 검색)

[경제밥도둑] ‘문턱 높고 입맛 까다로운’ 유럽, K-푸드 공략법은(2024. 06. 04 06:00)
경향신문>경제 |
Korean snacks gain popularity among younger generation in the U.S.(2024. 04. 25 18:35)
... by day, especially among young people as Korean snacks have become familiar through K-pop,... and movies, and the recent trend of sharing food reviews on TikTok and other short-form videos...
경향신문>경제 |
Companies raise product prices as soon as general election is over(2024. 04. 19 17:34)
... in the future. With rising oil prices and Korean won-dollar exchange rate, as well as a war... inevitable. In particular, in the case of food companies, they do not have to notify...
경향신문>경제 |
“Pursuing a risk-reduction dialogue with DPRK and China is worth a try”(2024. 04. 18 06:00)
... is the main source of material equipment and food wherever North Korea needs to survive. Some.... I think Kim Jong Il believed that North Korean interests could be served by engagement...
경향신문>국제 |
IMF says global economy is improving but Korea is stagnating(2024. 04. 18 17:33)
... to see any vitality in the current Korean economy. The triple whammy of high inflation,... Shinhan Bank on April 17, the average monthly food cost per household exceeded 600,000 won for...
경향신문>오피니언 |
Buddhism becomes trendy among people in their 20s and 30s(2024. 04. 08 17:33)
... Buddhist fair, organized by the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism, has presented various contents, such as Buddhist crafts, art, temple food, and clothing to promote Buddhist culture. At this...
경향신문>사회 |
대상 오푸드, K길거리 음식 ‘코리안 스트리트 푸드’로 북미·유럽 공략(2024. 03. 11 10:50)
... 글로벌 식품 브랜드 오푸드(O’food)가 한국 길거리 음식을 총망라한 ‘코리안 스트리트 푸드(Korean Street Food)’를 선보인다. 대상은 북미, 유럽 등을 중심으로 코리안 스트리트 푸드 11개 품목을...
경향신문>경제 |
대상 ‘오푸드’, 떡볶이 등 ‘국가대표 길거리 음식’으로 북미·유럽 공략(2024. 03. 11 21:47)
... 외연 확장 본격 나서 대상의 글로벌 식품 브랜드 오푸드(O’food)가 한국 길거리 음식을 총망라한 ‘코리안 스트리트 푸드(Korean Street Food)’를 선보인다. 대상은 북미, 유럽 등을 중심으로...
경향신문>경제 |
Retailers pay close attention to quality control of pork belly ahead of Pork Belly Day(2024. 02. 28 16:24)
... discount on pork belly for four days from February 29 to March 3. Lotte Mart will sell Korean Handon pork belly and chuck roll for 50 percent off at 1,390 won per 100 grams (limited to 2...
경향신문>경제 |
The highest price ever for Korean beef of 90.58 million won at auction(2023. 12. 22 18:19)
... in South Jeolla Province won the Presidential Award, the highest prize, at the 2023 National Korean Beef Competency Evaluation Competition, jointly hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food...
경향신문>지역 |
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