경향신문(총 7,773 건 검색)

Korea experiences hottest September on record(2024. 09. 19 18:03)
..., and drive safely” on September 19. Yonhap News An unseasonable heat wave continued over the Chuseok holiday, with temperatures soaring to 37.2 degrees Celsius in Yangsan, South Gyeongsang...
경향신문>과학·환경 |
New Prosecutor General starts his term with cases involving former and incumbent presidents(2024. 09. 19 18:08)
Prosecutor General Shim Woo-jung Prosecutor General Shim Woo-jung began his two-year term on September 16. Shim, who received his appointment letter from the presidential office on the 18th,...
경향신문>사회 |
Local governments endeavor to attract crematorium as demand for cremation increases(2024. 09. 19 18:13)
... at Seunghwawon in Namwon. Donghae and Samcheok, in Gangwon Province, Wonju, Yeoju, and Hungseong-gun, and Chuncheon and Hongcheon-gun have already built cremation facilities and operated...
경향신문>사회 |
대전에 성심당 말고 뭐 있어?(2024. 09. 17 12:40)
경향신문>지역 |
동네 병원·약국 어디 열었나…막차 언제 끊기나… 알아보려면?(2024. 09. 15 14:14)
... 문을 여는지는 별도로 확인해야 한다. 그럴 때는 서울시 2024 추석 연휴 종합정보 홈페이지(www.seoul.go.kr/story/thanksgiving)나 응급의료포털(www.e-gen.or.kr)에 들르면 된다. 전화로는 119 또는...
경향신문>지역 |
[정동길 옆 사진관] 도심 곳곳에서 열리는 ‘추석’ 맞이 행사(2024. 09. 14 18:18)
... ‘탈: 바꿈’ 공연이 진행되고 있다. 연합뉴스 추석 연휴 행사 정보는 각 기관 누리집이나 서울문화포털 누리집(culture.seoul.go.kr)을 통해 확인할 수 있다. ...
경향신문>사회 |
‘Financier’ of Deutsch Motors stock price manipulation case found guilty of aiding and abetting(2024. 09. 13 18:12)
Mr. Son, the "financier" of the Deutsch Motors stock price manipulation case, is leaving the court after receiving a suspended sentence at the second trial hearing held at the Seoul High Court...
경향신문>사회 |
Prosecutor General who used to be ‘pro-Yoon’ leaves office as ‘anti-Yoon’(2024. 09. 13 18:14)
... General Lee Won-seok shakes hands with a reporter at the Supreme Prosecutors' Office in Seocho-gu, Seoul, on September 12, a day before his retirement. Reporter Cho Tae-hyung...
경향신문>사회 |
BOK says housing prices in Seoul recovered to 90 percent of their previous highs(2024. 09. 13 18:17)
Clouds are flowing over an apartment complex in downtown Seoul on September 12. Reporter Kwon Do-hyun The Bank of Korea (BOK) said that housing prices in Seoul recovered to 90 percent of their...
경향신문>경제 |
앞으로 은행 계좌 개설·대출 때 모바일 신분증 제출 가능해진다(2024. 09. 12 15:00)
모바일 신분증. ‘모바일 신분증’ 홈페이지 갈무리 앞으로 은행 계좌 개설, 대출 때 실물 신분증 대신 모바일 신분증을 제출하는 게 가능해진다. 행정안전부는 12일 금융보안원, 한국정보통신기술협회와...
경향신문>지역|지역 |
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